View through the garden gate to the gardens, New College, Oxford

Finding Inspector Morse in the Archives

Dennis A. Ahlburg
Issue number
(2020): 13

In the Governing Body Minutes of 13 June 1990, there is a discussion of Inspector Morse. In that meeting a Fellow ‘expressed misgivings about filming in college of a drama called “Inspector Morse”, about an Oxford Ƶ in which a high Anglican chaplain is suspected of offering a poisoned chalice to a feminist communicant’. Dirty deeds in chapel but surely not in our chapel? Never. The proposal to ban the filming of Morse was put to a vote and was defeated by 12 votes to 8. So, Morse, and the accompanying location fee were welcome in Ƶ.


View through the garden gate to the gardens, New College, Oxford


Ƶ, Oxford